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This folder contains all protocol functions. These are experiments that can be run to collect data using a config file.


Runs interactive adjustment of mult and binrange parameters for reconstruction resynthesis. Plays target sound as comparison if one is provided or included in config.


  • cal_dB, 1x1 scalar, the externally measured decibel level of a 1kHz tone at the system volume that will be used during the protocol.
  • mult: 1 x 1 positive scalar, default: 0.001 initial value for the peak-sharpening mult parameter.
  • binrange: 1 x 1 scalar, default: 60, must be between [1, 100]. The initial value for the upper bound of the [0, binrange] dynamic range of the peak-sharpened reconstruction.
  • data_dir: character vector, name-value, default: empty Directory where data is stored. If blank, config.data_dir is used.
  • project_dir: character vector, name-value, default: empty Set as an input to reduce tasks if running from Protocol.m.
  • this_hash: character vector, name-value, default: empty Hash to use for output file. Generates from config if blank.
  • target_sound: numeric vector, name-value, default: empty Target sound for comparison. Generates from config if blank.
  • target_fs: Positive scalar, name-value, default: empty Frequency associated with target_sound
  • n_trials: Positive number, name-value, default: inf Number of trials to use for reconstruction. Uses all data if inf.
  • version:Positive number, name-value, default: 0 Question version number. Must be passed or in config.
  • config_file: character vector, name-value, default: '' A path to a YAML-spec configuration file. Can be 'none' if passing other relevant arguments.
  • survey: logical, name-value, default: true Flag to run static/survey questions. If false, only sound comarison is shown.
  • stimgen: Any StimulusGenerationMethod, name-value, default: [], Stimgen object to use. options.config must be 'none'.
  • recon: numeric vector, name-value, default: [] Allows user to supply a specific reconstruction to use, rather than generating from config.
  • mult_range: 1 x 2 numerical vector, name-value, default:[0, 1]`, The min (1,1) and max (1,2) values for mult parameter.
  • binrange_range: 1 x 2 numerical vector, name-value, default:[1, 100]`, The min (1,1) and max (1,2) values for binrange parameter.
  • del_fig, logical, name-value, default: true, Flag to delete figure at the end of the experiment.
  • fig: matlab.ui.Figure, name-value. Handle to open figure on which to display questions.
  • save: logical, name-value, default: true. Flag to save the mult and binrange outputs to a .csv file.
  • verbose: logical, name-value, default: true Flag to print information and warnings.


  • mult: 1 x 1 scalar, the last selected value for this parameter.
  • binrange: 1 x 1 scalar, the last selected value for this parameter.
  • mult_binrange_XXX.csv: csv file, where XXX is the config hash. In the data directory. ONLY IF save param is true.


Runs the follow up protocol to ask exit survey and subjective reconstruction assessment questions. Questions are included in code/experiment/fixationscreens/FollowUp_vX, where X is the version number. Computes standard linear reconstruction, peak-sharpened linear reconstruction, and generates config-informed white noise for comparison against target sound. Responses are saved in the specified data directory.


  • cal_dB, 1x1 scalar, the externally measured decibel level of a 1kHz tone at the system volume that will be used during the protocol.
  • data_dir: character vector, name-value, default: empty Directory where data is stored. If blank, config.data_dir is used.
  • project_dir: character vector, name-value, default: empty Set as an input to reduce tasks if running from Protocol.m.
  • this_hash: character vector, name-value, default: empty Hash to use for output file. Generates from config if blank.
  • target_sound: numeric vector, name-value, default: empty Target sound for comparison. Generates from config if blank.
  • target_fs: Positive scalar, name-value, default: empty Frequency associated with target_sound
  • n_trials: Positive number, name-value, default: inf Number of trials to use for reconstruction. Uses all data if inf.
  • mult: Positive number, name-value, default: NaN The peak-sharpening mult parameter. Must be passed if no resynth_params file exists.
  • binrange: Positive number, name-value, default: 60, must be between [1, 100], the upper bound of the [0, binrange] dynamic range of the peak-sharpened reconstruction. Must be passed if no resynth_params file exists.
  • version:Positive number, name-value, default: 0 Question version number. Must be passed or in config.
  • config_file: character vector, name-value, default: '' A path to a YAML-spec configuration file.
  • survey: logical, name-value, default: false Flag to run static/survey questions. If false, only sound comparison is shown.
  • recon: numeric vector, name-value, default: [] Allows user to supply a specific reconstruction to use, rather than generating from config.
  • n_reps: 1 x 1 positive integer, name-value, default: 2 Number of times to run the resynthesis rating questions.
  • fig: matlab.ui.Figure, name-value. Handle to open figure on which to display questions.
  • verbose: logical, name-value, default: true Flag to print information and warnings.


  • follow_up_XXX.csv: csv file, where XXX is the config hash. In the data directory.


Protocol for matching perceived loudness of tones to tinnitus level.

LoudnessMatch(cal_dB, 'config', 'path2config')
LoudnessMatch(cal_dB, 'verbose', false, 'fig', gcf, 'del_fig', false)


  • cal_dB, 1x1 scalar, the externally measured decibel level of a 1kHz tone at the system volume that will be used during the protocol.
  • max_dB_allowed_, 1x1 scalar, name-value, default: 95. The maximum dB value at which tones can be played. cal_dB must be greater than this value. Not intended to be changed from 95.
  • config_file, character vector, name-value, default: '' Path to the desired config file. GUI will open for the user to select a config if no path is supplied.
  • verbose, logical, name-value, default: true, Flag to show informational messages.
  • del_fig, logical, name-value, default: true, Flag to delete figure at the end of the experiment.
  • fig, matlab.ui.Figure, name-value. Handle to figure window in which to display instructions Function will create a new figure if none is supplied.


  • Three CSV files: loudness_dBs, loudness_noise_dB, loudness_tones saved to config.data_dir.


Protocol for matching tinnitus to a single tone.

Based on the Binary method from: Henry, James A., et al. "Comparison of manual and computer-automated procedures for tinnitus pitch-matching." Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 41.2 (2004).

Henry, James A., et al. "Comparison of two computer-automated procedures for tinnitus pitch matching." Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 38.5 (2001).

PitchMatch(cal_dB, 'config', 'path2config')
PitchMatch(cal_dB, 'verbose', false, 'fig', gcf, 'del_fig', false)


  • cal_dB, 1x1 scalar, the externally measured decibel level of a 1kHz tone at the system volume that will be used during the protocol.
  • max_dB_allowed_, 1x1 scalar, name-value, default: 95. The maximum dB value at which tones can be played. cal_dB must be greater than this value. Not intended to be changed from 95.
  • config_file, character vector, name-value, default: '' Path to the desired config file. GUI will open for the user to select a config if no path is supplied.
  • verbose, logical, name-value, default: true, Flag to show informational messages.
  • del_fig, logical, name-value, default: true, Flag to delete figure at the end of the experiment.
  • fig, matlab.ui.Figure, name-value. Handle to figure window in which to display instructions Function will create a new figure if none is supplied.


  • Six CSV files: PM_tone_responses, PM_tones, PM_octave_responses, PM_octaves,
    PM_tone_dBs, PM_octave_dBs saved to config.data_dir.


Reverse Correlation Protocol for Cognitive Representations of Tinnitus This function runs the main experimental procedure of this project.

RevCorr(cal_dB, 'config', 'path2config')
RevCorr(cal_dB, 'verbose', false, 'fig', gcf)


  • cal_dB, 1x1 scalar, the externally measured decibel level of a 1kHz tone at the system volume that will be used during the protocol.
  • config_file, character vector, name-value, default: '' Path to the desired config file. GUI will open for the user to select a config if no path is supplied.
  • verbose, logical, name-value, default: true, Flag to show informational messages.
  • fig, matlab.ui.Figure, name-value. Handle to figure window in which to display instructions Function will create a new figure if none is supplied.


  • Two CSV files (responses and stimuli) saved to config.data_dir.


This function goes one by one through each of the experimental protocols using one config file. PitchMatch is repeated 3 times by default.


  • cal_dB: 1x1 scalar, the externally measured decibel level of a 1kHz tone at the system volume that will be used during the protocol.
  • config_path: character vector, default: '' A path to a YAML-spec configuration file. If empty, a GUI is opened to navigate to the file.
  • n_pm: 1x1 positive integer, the number of times to repeat the PitchMatch protocol. Default: 3.


Protocol for identifying the hearing threshold level over a range of frequencies

ThresholdDetermination(cal_dB, 'config', 'path2config')
ThresholdDetermination(cal_dB, 'verbose', false, 'fig', gcf, 'del_fig', false


  • cal_dB, 1x1 scalar, the externally measured decibel level of a 1kHz tone at the system volume that will be used during the protocol.
  • max_dB_allowed_, 1x1 scalar, name-value, default: 95. The maximum dB value at which tones can be played. cal_dB must be greater than this value. Not intended to be changed from 95.
  • config_file, character vector, name-value, default: '' Path to the desired config file. GUI will open for the user to select a config if no path is supplied.
  • verbose, logical, name-value, default: true, Flag to show informational messages.
  • del_fig, logical, name-value, default: true, Flag to delete figure at the end of the experiment.
  • fig, matlab.ui.Figure, name-value. Handle to figure window in which to display instructions Function will create a new figure if none is supplied.


  • Two CSV files: threshold_dBs, threshold_tones saved to config.data_dir.