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Abstract Binned Stimulus Generation Method

Abstract class describing all features common to a stimulus generation method that uses a binned representation of the signal.

Abstract Properties

These properties are automatically instantiated for subclasses, since they are not abstract themselves. Default values are given:

- n_bins = 100 % The number of bins to break the frequency spectrum into 
- unfilled_dB = -100 % The dB value of "unfilled" bins
- filled_dB = 0 % The dB value of "filled" bins


[binnum, Fs, nfft, frequency_vector] = self.get_freq_bins()

Generates a vector indicating which frequencies belong to the same bin, following a tonotopic map of audible frequency perception.


  • binnum: n x 1 numerical vector that contains the mapping from frequency to bin number e.g., [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, ...]

  • Fs: 1x1 numerical scalar, the sampling rate in Hz

  • nfft: 1x1 numerical scalar, the number of points of the full FFT

  • frequency_vector: n x 1 numerical vector. the frequencies that binnum maps to bin numbers


[spect] = self.get_empty_spectrum()


  • spect: n x 1 numerical vector, where n is equal to the number of fft points (nfft) and all values are set to unfilled_dB.


Get the binned representation which is a vector containing the amplitude of the spectrum in each frequency bin.


  • T: n_frequencies x n_trials matrix representing the stimulus spectra


  • binned_repr: n_trials x n_bins matrix representing the amplitude for each frequency bin for each trial


Get the stimuli spectra from a binned representation.


  • binned_repr: n_bins x n_trials representing the amplitude in each frequency bin for each trial


  • T: n_frequencies x n_trials representing the stimulus spectra


Get the peak-sharpened waveform of a binned representation. Can pass n sounds and the modifications will be applied to all.


  • binned_repr: n_bins x n numerical vector representing the amplitude in each frequency bin.
  • mult: n x 1 vector or scalar, the peak sharpening factor corresponding to each binned_repr.
  • binrange: n x 1 vector or scalar, must be between [1, 100], the upper bound of the dynamic range of the stimuli from [0, binrange] corresponding to each binned_repr.
  • new_n_bins: 1 x 1 scalar, default: 256, the number of bins to upsample to before synthesis.
  • filter: logical, name-value, default: false, flag to filter the waveform.
  • cutoff: n x 2, name-value, default: [2000 self.max_freq], min and max cutoff frequencies corresponding to each binned_repr. If values satisfy min > 0 && max < self.max_freq, bandpass filter is used. If only min < 0, highpass is used. Otherwise, lowpass.
  • order: 1 x 1 positive integer, name-value, default: 5, the filter order.


  • wav: nfft+1 x 1 numerical vector representing the upsampled, peak-sharpened wavform of the binned representation.
  • X: nfft/2 x 1 numerical vector, the upsampled, peak-sparpened spectrum of the binned representation.


W = self.bin_signal(W)

Inputs a waveform, converts to a spectrum, bins the spectrum, and then converts back to a waveform.


W: n x 1 numerical vector, the waveform Fs: 1x1 numerical scalar, the sample rate