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Brimijoin Stimulus Generation

This is a stimulus generation class in which each tonotopic bin is filled with an amplitude value from an equidistant list with equal probability.

Unique Properties

This stimulus generation class has one property in addition to those inhereted from the Abstract and Abstract Binned classes. Default:

- amplitude_values = linspace(-20, 0, 6) % Possible aplitudes for each bin (dB)


[stim, Fs, spect, binned_repr, frequency_vector] = generate_stimulus(self)

Generate a stimulus vector of length self.nfft+1. Bins are filled with an amplitude value chosen from self.amplitude_values with equal probability.


stim: self.nfft + 1 x 1 numerical vector, the stimulus waveform,

Fs: 1x1 numerical scalar, the sample rate in Hz.

spect: self.nfft / 2 x 1 numerical vector, the half-spectrum, in dB.

binned_repr: self.n_bins x 1 numerical vector, the binned representation.

frequency_vector: self.nfft / 2 x 1 numerical vector, the frequencies associated with the spectrum, in Hz.

Class Properties Used:
