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Hierarchical Gaussian Stimulus Generation

This is a stimulus generation class in which stimuli are formed by applying random weights to a basis of Gaussians described by the class properties.

Unique Properties

This stimulus generation method has seven properties in addition to those inhereted from the Abstract and Abstract Binned classes. Defaults:

- n_broad = 3 % Number of "wide" Gaussians in the basis
- n_med = 8 % Number of "medium" Gaussians in the basis 
- n_narrow = 6 % Number of "narrow" Gaussians in the basis
- broad_std = 8000 % Standard deviation of the "wide" Gaussians
- med_std = 2000 % Standard deviation of the "medium" Gaussians
- narrow_std = 100 % Standard deviation of the "narrow" Gaussians
- scale_fact = 40 % Max power (dB)


[stim, Fs, spect, binned_repr, w] = generate_stimulus(self)

Generate a stimulus by applying random weights to a basis of Gaussians.


stim: self.nfft + 1 x 1 numerical vector, the stimulus waveform,

Fs: 1x1 numerical scalar, the sample rate in Hz.

spect: self.nfft / 2 x 1 numerical vector, the half-spectrum, in dB.

binned_repr: [], empty because this is not a binned class.

w: self.n_broad + self.n_med + self.n_narrow x 1 numerical vector, the weight vector corresponding to the each curve.

Class Properties Used:

- scale_fact


B = self.get_basis();

Generate a basis vector from the Gaussians stored in the class.


B: self.nfft / 2 x self.n_broad + self.n_med + self.n_narrow numerical array, Gaussian distributions for each type specified in the class fields

Class Properties Used:

- n_broad
- n_med
- n_narrow
- broad_std
- med_std
- narrow_std