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Power Distribution Stimulus Generation

This is a stimulus generation class in which the frequencies in each bin are sampled from a power distribution learned from tinnitus examples.

Unique Properties

This stimulus generation class has two properties in addition to those inhereted from the Abstract and Abstract Binned classes. Defaults:

distribution = [] % The power distribution
distribution_filepath = '' % Path to the distribution file


Builds the default power distribution from ATA tinnitus sample files. Saves the distribution as a vector in dB and the corresponding frequency vector.


  • save_path: character vector, the path to .mat file where distribution should be saved. Default:
    pathlib.join(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')), 'distribution.mat');


  • distribution: numeric vector, the power distribution in dB.


Loads a power distribution from a .mat or .csv file into the object.


[stim, Fs, spect, binned_repr, frequency_vector] = generate_stimulus(self)

Generates stimuli by assigning the power in each bin by sampling from a power distribution learned from ATA tinnitus examples.


stim: self.nfft + 1 x 1 numerical vector, the stimulus waveform,

Fs: 1x1 numerical scalar, the sample rate in Hz.

spect: self.nfft / 2 x 1 numerical vector, the half-spectrum, in dB.

binned_repr: self.n_bins x 1 numerical vector, the binned representation.

frequency_vector: self.nfft / 2 x 1 numerical vector, the frequencies associated with the spectrum, in Hz.

Class Properties Used:

- n_bins