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This folder stores many helpful, and in some cases critical utilities. This folder as added to the path via setup.m. Some files are not original to this project, in which case documentation and credit is clearly maintained.


For use in A-X experimental protocols. adjust_volume is a utility to dynamically adjust the target sound volume via a scaling factor. Opens a GUI using a standard MATLAB figure window with a slider for scaling the target sound audio and a button for replaying the sound compared to an unchanged stimulus noise.


  • target_sound: n x 1 vector, the target sound.
  • target_fs: 1 x 1 scalar, the frequency of target_sound.
  • stimuli: n x 1 vector, a sample stimulus sound.
  • Fs: 1 x 1 scalar, the frequency of the sample stimuli.
  • scale_factor: 1 x 1 scalar, the scalar by which to multipy the target sound. default: 1.0.


  • scale_factor: 1 x 1 scalar, the scalar by which the target signal is multipled that results in the preferred volume chosen by the user.


ALLCOMB - All combinations B = ALLCOMB(A1,A2,A3,...,AN) returns all combinations of the elements in the arrays A1, A2, ..., and AN. B is P-by-N matrix is which P is the product of the number of elements of the N inputs. This functionality is also known as the Cartesian Product. The arguments can be numerical and/or characters, or they can be cell arrays.


allcomb([1 3 5],[-3 8],[0 1]) % numerical input:
-> [ 1  -3   0
1  -3   1
1   8   0
5  -3   1
5   8   1 ] ; % a 12-by-3 array
allcomb('abc','XY') % character arrays
-> [ aX ; aY ; bX ; bY ; cX ; cY] % a 6-by-2 character array
allcomb('xy',[65 66]) % a combination
-> ['xA' ; 'xB' ; 'yA' ; 'yB'] % a 4-by-2 character array
allcomb({'hello','Bye'},{'Joe', 10:12},{99999 []}) % all cell arrays
-> {  'hello'  'Joe'        [99999]
'hello'  'Joe'             []
'hello'  [1x3 double] [99999]
'hello'  [1x3 double]      []
'Bye'    'Joe'        [99999]
'Bye'    'Joe'             []
'Bye'    [1x3 double] [99999]
'Bye'    [1x3 double]      [] } ; % a 8-by-3 cell array

ALLCOMB(..., 'matlab') causes the first column to change fastest which is consistent with matlab indexing. Example:

-> [ 1 3 5 ; 1 4 5 ; 1 3 6 ; ... ; 2 4 6 ]

If one of the arguments is empty, ALLCOMB returns a 0-by-N empty array.

Tested in Matlab R2015a version 4.1 (feb 2016) (c) Jos van der Geest email:


1.1 (feb 2006), removed minor bug when entering empty cell arrays; added option to let the first input run fastest (suggestion by JD)

1.2 (jan 2010), using ii as an index on the left-hand for the multiple output by NDGRID. Thanks to Jan Simon, for showing this little trick

2.0 (dec 2010). Bruno Luong convinced me that an empty input should return an empty output.

2.1 (feb 2011). A cell as input argument caused the check on the last argument (specifying the order) to crash.

2.2 (jan 2012). removed a superfluous line of code (ischar(..))

3.0 (may 2012) removed check for doubles so character arrays are accepted

4.0 (feb 2014) added support for cell arrays

4.1 (feb 2016) fixed error for cell array input with last argument being matlab. Thanks to Richard for pointing this out.


T = binnedrepr2spect(binned_repr, B)
T = binnedrepr2spect(binned_repr, B, n_bins)

Get the stimuli spectra from a binned representation.


  • binned_repr: n_trials x n_bins matrix representing the amplitude in each frequency bin for each trial.
  • B: 1 x n_frequencies vector representing the bin numbers (e.g., [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, ...])
  • n_bins: 1 x 1 scalar representing the number of bins if not passed as an argument, it is computed from the maximum of B


  • T: n_trials x n_frequencies matrix representing the stimulus spectra

See Also


Returns the saved responses and stimuli from reverse correlation experiments for a given config file.


  • config_file: char, name-value, default: '' Path to the desired config file. GUI will open for the user to select a config if no path is supplied.
  • config: struct, name-value, default: [] An already-loaded config struct.
  • data_dir: char, name-value, default: '' Filepath to directory in which data is stored. config.data_dir is used if left empty.
  • phase: 1 x 1 positive integer, name-value, default: 1 Experiment phase from which to collect data.
  • verbose, logical, name-value, default: true, Flag to show informational messages.


  • responses: n x 1 numerical vector of {-1,1}, all responses associated with this config file, where n is the number of trials.
  • stimuli: p x n numerical array, of config.stimuli_save_type, all of the stimulus vectors associated with this config file, where p is the length of the stimulus vector.


Returns the saved responses and stimuli from pitch matching experiments for a given config file.


  • config_file: char, name-value, default: '' Path to the desired config file. GUI will open for the user to select a config if no path is supplied.
  • config: struct, name-value, default: [] An already-loaded config struct.
  • data_dir: char, name-value, default: '' Filepath to directory in which data is stored. config.data_dir is used if left empty.
  • verbose, logical, name-value, default: true, Flag to show informational messages.


  • responses: n x 1 cell of vectors containing responses on {0,1}, where n is the number of PitchMatch experiments run with this config file. Each row contains the responses from separate experiments.
  • stimuli: n x 1 cell of vectors containing frequency values corresponding to the responses. Each row contains the responses from separate experiments.
  • octave_responses: n x 1 cell of vectors containing responses on {0,1} to the "octave confusion" section of the PitchMatch experiment. Each row contains the responses of separate experiments.
  • octave_stimuli: n x 1 cell of vectors containing frequency values from the "octave confusion" section of the PitchMatch experiment. Each row contains the responses of separate experiments.


Returns the saved dB levels and corresponding tones from either threshold determination or loudness matching experiments for a given config file.


  • exp_type: char, valid values: 'threshold' or 'loudness', the type of experimental data to collect.
  • config_file: char, name-value, default: '' Path to the desired config file. GUI will open for the user to select a config if no path is supplied.
  • config: struct, name-value, default: [] An already-loaded config struct.
  • data_dir: char, name-value, default: '' Filepath to directory in which data is stored. config.data_dir is used if left empty.
  • average: logical, name-value, default: true, Flag to average dB values for all repeated tones.
  • fill_nans: logical, name-value, default: false, Flag to fill in NaN values with the previous non-NaN value
  • verbose, logical, name-value, default: true, Flag to show informational messages.


  • pres_dBs: n x 1 vector containing dB values, where n is the number of unique tones if average is true, or is the number of presented stimuli if average is `false.
  • amp_dBs: n x 1 vector containing amplitude values.
  • tones: n x 1 vector containing frequency values for each response.


Read parameters out from character vectors of text contained in a character vector or cell array.


  • filenames: cell array of character vectors or character vector that contains the filenames (or text strings) out of which to read parameters.

If filenames is a cell array, parameters are read from each character vector contained in the cell array. Filenames should not have file endings like '.csv'. The regular expressions are not sophisticated enough to skip them.


  • data_table: table


data_table = collect_parameters(filenames)


Collect reconstructions (or other data) from .csv files following a naming convention. Returns a matrix of all the data.

While this function was intended to read reconstructions, it should be able to return data from any .csv files containing data that can be represented in a MATLAB matrix (e.g., numerical data of the same length).


  • data_struct: struct vector or character vector A struct containing the output of a call to dir() indicating which files to extract from or a character vector which is used as an argument for dir() (e.g., dir(data_struct)). The regular expression is used to filter the data struct based on the filenames.


  • reconstructions: numerical matrix m x n matrix that contains the numerical data, where m is the length of the data and n is the number of files.

  • reconstruction_files: cell array of character vectors Contains the filepaths to each file read, corresponding to the columns of reconstructions.

See Also


Take information from directory containing config files and return a table with all relevant information for each config.


  • curr_dir: struct, which is the directory information containing config file name, path, and other returns from dir() function.

  • variables_to_remove: cell, default: {}, a cell array of character vectors, indicating which variables (columns) of the data table to remove. If empty, re-defaults to: {'n_trials_per_block', 'n_blocks', ... 'min_freq', 'max_freq', 'duration', 'n_bins', ... 'target_signal_filepath', 'bin_target_signal', ... 'data_dir', 'stimuli_save_type'}.


  • data_table: table

See Also


Create files for the stimuli, responses, and metadata and create the stimuli. Write the stimuli into the stimuli file.


  • config: 1 x 1 struct, the config struct to associate the files with.
  • stimuli_object: 1 x 1 AbstractStimulusGenerationMethod, a StimulusGeneration object from which stimuli will be generated.
  • hash_prefix: char, default: '', the portion of the hash attached to the output files that appears before the spectrum matrix hash.


  • stimuli_matrix: n x p numerical array, stimulus waveforms where n is the length of the waveform and p is config.n_trials
  • Fs: 1 x 1 positive scalar, the sampling rate in Hz
  • filename_responses: char the full path to the empty CSV file in which responses can be written for this experiment.
  • filename_stimuli: char the full path to the CSV file in which the stimuli are written according to config.stimuli_save_type.
  • filename_meta: char the full path to the empty CSV file in which the metadata can be written for this experiment.
  • file_hash: char the full hash string associated with all the output files.

See Also


Create files for the stimuli, responses, and metadata and create the stimuli for a 2-AFC experiment. Write the stimuli into the stimuli file.


  • config: 1x1 struct containing a stimulus generation configuration.
  • stimuli_object: 1x1 AbstractStimulusGenerationMethod
  • hash_prefix: 1 x n character vector, default value: get_hash(config)


  • stimuli_matrix_1
  • stimuli_matrix_2
  • Fs
  • filename_responses
  • filename_stimuli_1
  • filename_stimuli_2
  • filename_meta
  • file_hash_1
  • file_hash_2
  • file_hash_combined


[stimuli_matrix_1, stimuli_matrix_2, Fs, filename_responses, filename_stimuli_1, filename_stimuli_2, filename_meta, file_hash_1, file_hash_2, file_hash_combined] = create_files_and_stimuli_2afc(config, stimuli_object, hash_prefix)

See Also


For RevCorr_phaseN experiments, create files for the stimuli, responses, and metadata and create the stimuli. Write the stimuli into the stimuli file.

Stimuli are generated by applying random noise and other modifiers to the phase 1 reconstruction.


  • config: 1 x 1 struct, the config struct to associate the files with.
  • phase: 1 x 1 integer > 1, the current phase of experiment. Practically, this indicates which phase's reconstruction to perturb from (phase - 1).
  • pert_bounds: 1 x 2 vector of positive values, the min and max factor to perturb by. Ex: [0.5, 1.5] will range from half to 1.5x the magnitude of the reconstruction values.
  • data_dir: char, the directory in which phase (phase - 1) stimuli-response pairs can be found
  • hash_prefix: char, default: '', the hash prefix associated with the phase (phase - 1) stimuli-response pairs
  • reconstruction: n x 1 numerical vector, default: [], the reconstruction from which to generate stimuli. Overrides generating from config if not empty.
  • mult_range: n x m numerical array, the min and max values possible for the mult parameter in binnedrepr2wav. Array can technically be any size, but only min and max are used.
  • binrange_range: n x m positive numerical array, the min and max values possible for the binrange parameter in binnedrepr2wav. Array can technically be any size, but only min and max are used.
  • lowcut_range: n x m numerical array >= 0, the min and max values possible for the low cutoff frequency in binnedrepr2wav. Array can technically be any size, but only min and max are used.
  • highcut_range: n x m positive numerical array, the min and max values possible for the low cutoff frequency in binnedrepr2wav. Array can technically be any size, but only min and max are used.


  • stimuli_matrix: n x p numerical array, stimulus waveforms where n is the length of the waveform and p is config.n_trials
  • Fs: 1 x 1 positive scalar, the sampling rate in Hz
  • filename_responses: char the full path to the empty CSV file in which responses can be written for this experiment.
  • filename_stimuli: char the full path to the CSV file in which the stimuli are written according to config.stimuli_save_type.
  • filename_meta: char the full path to the empty CSV file in which the metadata can be written for this experiment.
  • file_hash: char the full hash string associated with all the output files.


Generate the cross-validated response predictions for a given config file or pair of stimuli and responses using iteratively reweighted least squares.

[pred_resps, true_resps, pred_resps_train, true_resps_train] = crossval_irwlsq(folds, thresh, 'config', config, 'data_dir', data_dir)
[pred_resps, true_resps, pred_resps_train, true_resps_train] = crossval_irwlsq(folds, thresh, 'responses', responses, 'stimuli', stimuli)


  • folds: scalar positive integer, must be greater than 3, representing the number of cross validation folds to complete. Data will be partitioned into 1/folds for test and dev sets and the remaining for the train set.
  • thresh: 1 x p numerical vector or scalar, representing the threshold value in the estimate to response conversion: sign(X*b + threshold). If there are multiple values, it will be optimized in the development section.
  • config: struct, name-value, deafult: [] config struct from which to find responses and stimuli
  • data_dir: char, name-value, deafult: '' the path to directory in which the data corresponding to the config structis stored.
  • responses: n x 1 array, name-value, default: [] responses to use in reconstruction, where n is the number of responses. Only used if passed with stimuli.
  • stimuli: m x n array, name-value, default: [] stimuli to use in reconstruction, where m is the number of bins. Only used if passed with responses.
  • weight_func: char, name-value, default: 'bisquare', The weight function to use. See RobustOpts argument in fitlm docs for valid options.
  • mean_zero: bool, name-value, default: false, flag to set the mean of the stimuli to zero when computing the reconstruction and both the mean of the stimuli and the reconstruction to zero when generating the predictions.
  • verbose: bool, name-value, default: true, flag to print information messages.


  • pred_resps: n x 1 vector, the predicted responses.
  • true_resps: n x 1 vector, the original subject responses in the order corresponding to the predicted responses, i.e., a shifted version of the original response vector.
  • pred_resps_train: folds*(n-round(n/folds)) x 1 vector, OR folds*(2*(n-round(n/folds))) x 1 vector if dev is run. the predicted responses on the training data.
  • true_resps_train: folds*(n-round(n/folds)) x 1 vector, OR folds*(2*(n-round(n/folds))) x 1 vector if dev is run. the predicted responses on the training data. the original subject responses in the order corresponding to the predicted responses on the training data.


Generate the cross-validated response predictions for a given config file or pair of stimuli and responses using K-Nearest Neighbors.

[pred_resps, true_resps, pred_resps_train, true_resps_train] = crossval_knn(folds, k, 'config', config, 'data_dir', data_dir)
[pred_resps, true_resps, pred_resps_train, true_resps_train] = crossval_knn(folds, k, 'responses', responses, 'stimuli', stimuli)


  • folds: scalar positive integer, must be greater than 3, representing the number of cross validation folds to complete. Data will be partitioned into 1/folds for test and dev sets and the remaining for the train set.
  • k: 1 x p numerical vector or scalar, number of nearest neighbors to consider. If there are multiple values, it will be optimized in the development section.
  • method: char, name-value, default: 'mode', class determination style to be passed to knn function.
  • percent: scalar, name-value, default: 75, Target percent passed to knn function if knn_method is 'percent'.
  • config: struct, name-value, deafult: [] config struct from which to find responses and stimuli
  • data_dir: char, name-value, deafult: '' the path to directory in which the data corresponding to the config structis stored.
  • responses: n x 1 array, name-value, default: [] responses to use in reconstruction, where n is the number of responses. Only used if passed with stimuli.
  • stimuli: m x n array, name-value, default: [] stimuli to use in reconstruction, where m is the number of bins. Only used if passed with responses.
  • norm_stim: bool, name-value, default: false, flag to normalize the stimuli after loading.
  • verbose: bool, name-value, default: true, flag to print information messages.


  • pred_resps: n x 1 vector, the predicted responses.
  • true_resps: n x 1 vector, the original subject responses in the order corresponding to the predicted responses, i.e., a shifted version of the original response vector.
  • pred_resps_train: folds*(n-round(n/folds)) x 1 vector, OR folds*(2*(n-round(n/folds))) x 1 vector if dev is run. the predicted responses on the training data.
  • true_resps_train: folds*(n-round(n/folds)) x 1 vector, OR folds*(2*(n-round(n/folds))) x 1 vector if dev is run. the predicted responses on the training data. the original subject responses in the order corresponding to the predicted responses on the training data,


Generate the cross-validated response predictions for a given config file or pair of stimuli and responses using linear discriminant analysis.

[pred_resps, true_resps] = crossval_lda(folds, 'config', config, 'data_dir', data_dir)
[pred_resps, true_resps] = crossval_lda(folds, 'responses', responses, 'stimuli', stimuli)


  • folds: scalar positive integer, must be greater than 3, representing the number of cross validation folds to complete.
  • config: struct, name-value, deafult: [] config struct from which to find responses and stimuli
  • data_dir: char, name-value, deafult: '' the path to directory in which the data corresponding to the config structis stored.
  • responses: n x 1 array, name-value, default: [] responses to use in reconstruction, where n is the number of responses. Only used if passed with stimuli.
  • stimuli: m x n array, name-value, default: [] stimuli to use in reconstruction, where m is the number of bins. Only used if passed with responses.
  • verbose: bool, name-value, default: true, flag to print information messages.


  • pred_resps: n x 1 vector, the predicted responses.
  • true_resps: n x 1 vector, the original subject responses in the order corresponding to the predicted responses, i.e., a shifted version of the original response vector.

See Also


Generate the cross-validated response predictions for a given config file or pair of stimuli and responses using locally weighted linear regression.

[pred_resps, true_resps, pred_resps_train, true_resps_train] = crossval_lwlr(folds, h, thresh, 'config', config, 'data_dir', data_dir)
[pred_resps, true_resps, pred_resps_train, true_resps_train] = crossval_lwlr(folds, h, thresh, 'responses', responses, 'stimuli', stimuli)


  • folds: scalar positive integer, must be greater than 3, representing the number of cross validation folds to complete. Data will be partitioned into 1/folds for test and dev sets and the remaining for the train set.
  • h: 1 x p numerical vector or scalar, representing the width parameter(s) for the Gaussian kernel. If there are multiple values, it will be optimized in the development section.
  • thresh: 1 x q numerical vector or scalar, representing the threshold value in the estimate to response conversion: sign(X*b + threshold). If there are multiple values, it will be optimized in the development section.
  • config: struct, name-value, deafult: [] config struct from which to find responses and stimuli
  • data_dir: char, name-value, deafult: '' the path to directory in which the data corresponding to the config structis stored.
  • responses: n x 1 array, name-value, default: [] responses to use in reconstruction, where n is the number of responses. Only used if passed with stimuli.
  • stimuli: m x n array, name-value, default: [] stimuli to use in reconstruction, where m is the number of bins. Only used if passed with responses.
  • norm_stim: bool, name-value, default: false, flag to normalize the stimuli after loading.
  • verbose: bool, name-value, default: true, flag to print information messages.


  • pred_resps: n x 1 vector, the predicted responses.
  • true_resps: n x 1 vector, the original subject responses in the order corresponding to the predicted responses, i.e., a shifted version of the original response vector.
  • pred_resps_train: folds*(n-round(n/folds)) x 1 vector, OR folds*(2*(n-round(n/folds))) x 1 vector if dev is run. the predicted responses on the training data.
  • true_resps_train: folds*(n-round(n/folds)) x 1 vector, OR folds*(2*(n-round(n/folds))) x 1 vector if dev is run. the predicted responses on the training data. the original subject responses in the order corresponding to the predicted responses on the training data,


Generate the cross-validated response predictions for a given config file or pair of stimuli and responses using polynomial regression.

[pred_resps, true_resps] = crossval_pnr(folds, ords, thresh, 'config', config, 'data_dir', data_dir)
[pred_resps, true_resps] = crossval_pnr(folds, ords, thresh, 'responses', responses, 'stimuli', stimuli)


  • folds: scalar positive integer, must be greater than 3, representing the number of cross validation folds to complete. Data will be partitioned into 1/folds for test and dev sets and the remaining for the train set.
  • ords: 1 x p numerical vector or scalar, representing the polynomial order(s) on which to perform regression. If there are multiple values, it will be optimized in the development section.
  • thresh: 1 x q numerical vector or scalar, representing the percentile threshold value(s). If there are multiple values, it will be optimized in the development section. Values must be on (0,100].
  • config: struct, name-value, deafult: [] config struct from which to find responses and stimuli
  • data_dir: char, name-value, deafult: '' the path to directory in which the data corresponding to the config structis stored.
  • responses: n x 1 array, name-value, default: [] responses to use in reconstruction, where n is the number of responses. Only used if passed with stimuli.
  • stimuli: m x n array, name-value, default: [] stimuli to use in reconstruction, where m is the number of bins. Only used if passed with responses.
  • norm_stimuli: bool, name-value, default: false, flag to normalize the stimuli after loading.
  • verbose: bool, name-value, default: true, flag to print information messages.


  • pred_resps: n x 1 vector, the predicted responses.
  • true_resps: n x 1 vector, the original subject responses in the order corresponding to the predicted responses, i.e., a shifted version of the original response vector.

See Also


Generate response predictions for a given config file or pair of stimuli and responses using stratified cross validation and either the subject response model.

[given_resps, training_resps, on_test, on_train] = crossval_predicted_responses(folds, 'config', config, 'data_dir', data_dir)
[given_resps, training_resps, on_test, on_train] = crossval_predicted_responses(folds, 'responses', responses, 'stimuli', stimuli)


  • folds: scalar positive integer, must be greater than 3, representing the number of cross validation folds to complete. Data will be partitioned into 1/folds for test and dev sets and the remaining for the train set.
  • config: struct, name-value, deafult: [] config struct from which to find responses and stimuli
  • data_dir: char, name-value, deafult: '' the path to directory in which the data corresponding to the config structis stored.
  • responses: n x 1 array, name-value, default: [] responses to use in reconstruction, where n is the number of responses. Only used if passed with stimuli.
  • stimuli: m x n array, name-value, default: [] stimuli to use in reconstruction, where m is the number of bins. Only used if passed with responses.
  • normalize: bool, name-value, default: false, flag to normalize the stimuli after loading.
  • gamma: 1 x 1 scalar, name-value, default: 8,
  • mean_zero: bool, name-value, default: false, flag to set the mean of the stimuli to zero when computing the reconstruction and both the mean of the stimuli and the reconstruction to zero when generating the predictions.
  • from_responses: bool, name-value, default: false, flag to determine the threshold from the given responses. Overwrites threshold_values and does not run threshold development cycle.
  • ridge_reg: bool, name-value, default: false, flag to use ridge regression instead of standard linear regression for reconstruction.
  • threshold_values: 1 x m numerical vector, name-value, default: linspace(10,90,200), representing the percentile threshold values on which to perform development to identify optimum. Values must be on (0,100]. representing the gamma value to use in compressed sensing reconstructions if config is empty.
  • verbose: bool, name-value, default: true, flag to print information messages.


  • given_resps: p x 1 vector, the original subject responses in the order corresponding to the predicted responses, i.e., a shifted version of the original response vector. p is the number of original responses.
  • training_resps: (folds-2)*p x 1 vector, the original subject responses used in the training phase. The training data is partially repeated between folds.
  • on_test: struct with p x 1 vectors in fields cs, lr, predicted responses on testing data.
  • on_train: struct with (folds-2)*p x 1 vectors in fields cs, lr predicted responses on training data.


Generate the cross-validated response predictions for a given config file or pair of stimuli and responses using the classical reverse correlation model y = sign(Psi * x) or y = sign(Psi * x + thresh).

[pred_resps, true_resps, pred_resps_train, true_resps_train] = crossval_rc(folds, thresh, 'config', config, 'data_dir', data_dir)
[pred_resps, true_resps, pred_resps_train, true_resps_train] = crossval_rc(folds, thresh, 'responses', responses, 'stimuli', stimuli)


  • folds: scalar positive integer, must be greater than 3, representing the number of cross validation folds to complete. Data will be partitioned into 1/folds for test and dev sets and the remaining for the train set.
  • thresh: 1 x p numerical vector or scalar, representing the threshold value in the estimate to response conversion: sign(X*b + threshold). If there are multiple values, it will be optimized in the development section.
  • config: struct, name-value, deafult: [] config struct from which to find responses and stimuli
  • data_dir: char, name-value, deafult: '' the path to directory in which the data corresponding to the config structis stored.
  • responses: n x 1 array, name-value, default: [] responses to use in reconstruction, where n is the number of responses. Only used if passed with stimuli.
  • stimuli: m x n array, name-value, default: [] stimuli to use in reconstruction, where m is the number of bins. Only used if passed with responses.
  • ridge: bool, name-value, default: false, flag to use ridge regression instead of standard linear regression for reconstruction.
  • mean_zero: bool, name-value, default: false, flag to set the mean of the stimuli to zero when computing the reconstruction and both the mean of the stimuli and the reconstruction to zero when generating the predictions.
  • verbose: bool, name-value, default: true, flag to print information messages.


  • pred_resps: n x 1 vector, the predicted responses.
  • true_resps: n x 1 vector, the original subject responses in the order corresponding to the predicted responses, i.e., a shifted version of the original response vector.
  • pred_resps_train: folds*(n-round(n/folds)) x 1 vector, OR folds*(2*(n-round(n/folds))) x 1 vector if dev is run. the predicted responses on the training data.
  • true_resps_train: folds*(n-round(n/folds)) x 1 vector, OR folds*(2*(n-round(n/folds))) x 1 vector if dev is run. the predicted responses on the training data. the original subject responses in the order corresponding to the predicted responses on the training data.
  • pred_cont_test: n x 1 vector, The inner product values on testing data before quantization.


Generate the cross-validated response predictions for a given config file using the upsampled and peak sharpened representation in bin form. Config file must have an associated survey with mult and binrange values. Reconstruction methods can be the classical reverse correlation model y = sign(Psi * x) or y = sign(Psi * x + thresh).

[pred_resps, true_resps, pred_resps_train, true_resps_train] = crossval_rc_adjusted(folds, thresh, 'config', config, 'data_dir', data_dir)


  • folds: scalar positive integer, must be greater than 3, representing the number of cross validation folds to complete. Data will be partitioned into 1/folds for test and dev sets and the remaining for the train set.
  • thresh: 1 x p numerical vector or scalar, representing the threshold value in the estimate to response conversion: sign(X*b + threshold). If there are multiple values, it will be optimized in the development section.
  • config: struct, name-value, deafult: [] config struct from which to find responses and stimuli
  • data_dir: char, name-value, deafult: '' the path to directory in which the data corresponding to the config structis stored.
  • ridge: bool, name-value, default: false, flag to use ridge regression instead of standard linear regression for reconstruction.
  • mean_zero: bool, name-value, default: false, flag to set the mean of the stimuli to zero when computing the reconstruction and both the mean of the stimuli and the reconstruction to zero when generating the predictions.
  • verbose: bool, name-value, default: true, flag to print information messages.


  • pred_resps: n x 1 vector, the predicted responses.
  • true_resps: n x 1 vector, the original subject responses in the order corresponding to the predicted responses, i.e., a shifted version of the original response vector.
  • pred_resps_train: folds*(n-round(n/folds)) x 1 vector, OR folds*(2*(n-round(n/folds))) x 1 vector if dev is run. the predicted responses on the training data.
  • true_resps_train: folds*(n-round(n/folds)) x 1 vector, OR folds*(2*(n-round(n/folds))) x 1 vector if dev is run. the predicted responses on the training data. the original subject responses in the order corresponding to the predicted responses on the training data,


Generate the cross-validated response predictions for a given config file or pair of stimuli and responses using support vector machines.

[pred_resps, true_resps] = crossval_svm(folds, 'config', config, 'data_dir', data_dir)
[pred_resps, true_resps] = crossval_svm(folds, 'responses', responses, 'stimuli', stimuli)


  • folds: scalar positive integer, must be greater than 3, representing the number of cross validation folds to complete.
  • config: struct, name-value, deafult: [] config struct from which to find responses and stimuli
  • data_dir: char, name-value, deafult: '' the path to directory in which the data corresponding to the config structis stored.
  • responses: n x 1 array, name-value, default: [] responses to use in reconstruction, where n is the number of responses. Only used if passed with stimuli.
  • stimuli: m x n array, name-value, default: [] stimuli to use in reconstruction, where m is the number of bins. Only used if passed with responses.
  • verbose: bool, name-value, default: true, flag to print information messages.


  • pred_resps: n x 1 vector, the predicted responses.
  • true_resps: n x 1 vector, the original subject responses in the order corresponding to the predicted responses, i.e., a shifted version of the original response vector.

See Also


[x] = cs(responses, Phi, Gamma)
[x] = cs(responses, Phi)


  • responses: n x 1 vector

  • Phi: n x m matrix, where n is the number of trials/samples and m is the dimensionality of the stimuli/spectrum/bins

  • Gamma: Positive scalar, default: 32 optional value for zhangpassivegamma function.

  • mean_zero: bool, name-value, default: false, a flag for setting the mean of Phi to zero.

  • verbose: bool, name-value, default: true, a flag to print information messages


  • x: m x 1 vector, representing the compressed sensing reconstruction of the signal.

See Also


Expand current figure to full screen and fill with an image.


  • img: n x m x 3 array representing an image. Typically loaded via imread().
  • hFig: handle to figure. Defaults to current figure.


  • hFig now displays an image.


Match files by terminal UUID or other identifier. This function expects filenames in the form


Where foo_bar can be anything, so long as the UUID or other identifier comes last before the 'dot filetype'. The functions returns indices of unmatched files.


filematch(files1, files2)

See Also


Returns a vector of doubled values from min_freq to as close to max_freq as possible with optional, equally spaced in-octave values.


  • min_freq: 1 x 1 scalar, the minimum and initial frequency
  • max_freq: 1 x 1 scalar, the maximum possible frequency, not guaranteed to be in the final array.
  • n_in_oct: 1 x 1 integer, the number of points inside each octave. If spacing_type == 'semitone', n_in_oct must be in {1,2,3,5,11}. Otherwise, can be any integer >= 0.
  • spacing_type: char, default: 'semitone', the in-octave spacing method. 'linear' returns linearly spaced spaced values 'semitone' splits the octave into half notes then chooses n_in_oct evenly spaced values.


  • freqs: n x 1 numerical vector of octaves starting at min_freq.


Computes standard accuracy measures between true and predicted labels. Values greater than or equal to 1 are considered positives, and values less than 1 are considered negative.


  • y: m x p numerical matrix, representing true labels.
  • y_hat: m x n numerical matrix, representing predicted labels.


  • accuracy: scalar or 1 x max(n,p) vector, the correct prediction rate.
  • balanced_accuracy: scalar or 1 x max(n,p) vector, the average of sensitivity and specificity.
  • sensitivity: scalar or 1 x max(n,p) vector, the true positive rate.
  • specificity: scalar or 1 x max(n,p) vector, the true negative rate.


Returns the matched pitch for a given config's PM data and whether or not all any octaves were confused


  • config_file: character vector, name-value, default: '' Path to the desired config file. GUI will open for the user to select a config if no path is supplied.
  • config: struct, name-value, default: [], the loaded config.
  • data_dir: character vector, name-value, default: '', the path to the location of the data. If none is supplied, config.data_dir will be used.
  • verbose: bool, name-value, default: true, flag to print information text.


  • best_freq: 1x1 scalar, the identified best frequency.
  • oct_agree: bool, true if there was never any octave confusion over all data false if there was ever any octave confusion.


Choose a gamma value to be used in cs based on data in the config.


  • config: struct, config from which to find gamma
  • verbose: bool, default: true, flag to print information messages.


  • this_gamma: scalar, the chosen gamma value.


Compute the highest power of two less than or equal to a number. For example, an input of 9 would return 8.


n = get_highest_power_of_2(N);


  • N: a 1x1 scalar, positive, real integer


  • n: a 1x1 scalar, positive, real power of 2


Compute reconstructions using data specified by a configuration file.

[x, responses_output, stimuli_matrix_output] = get_reconstruction('key', value, ...)
x = get_reconstruction('config_file', 'path_to_config', 'preprocessing', {'bit_flip'}, 'method', 'cs', 'verbose', true)


  • config_file: string or character array, name-value, default: '' A path to a YAML-spec configuration file. Either this argument or config is required.
  • config: struct, name-value, default: [] A configuration file struct (e.g., one created by parse_config).
  • preprocessing: cell array of character vectors, name-value, default: {} A list of preprocessing steps to take. Currently, the only supported preprocessing step is 'bit flip', which flips the sign on all responses before computing the reconstruction.
  • method: character vector, name-value, default: 'cs' Which reconstruction algorithm to use. Options: 'cs', 'cs_nb', 'linear'`,'linear_ridge'``.
  • use_n_trials: Positive scalar, name-value, default: inf Indicates how many trials to use of data. inf uses all data.
  • bootstrap: Positive scalar, name-value, deafult: 0 Number of bootstrap iterations to perform.


Returns the linear reconstruction of stimuli and responses.

x = gs(responses, Phi)
x = gs(responses, Phi, 'ridge', true, 'mean_zero', true)


  • responses: n x 1 vector of 1 and -1 values, representing the subject's responses.

  • Phi: n x m numerical matrix, where m is the length of each stimulus and n is the same length as the responses

  • ridge: boolean, name-value, default: false, a flag to for using ridge regression.

  • mean_zero: boolean, name-value, defaut: false, a flag for setting the mean of Phi to zero.


  • x: m x 1 vector, representing the linear reconstruction of the signal, where m is the length of a stimulus.


Returns the estimated class labels for a matrix of reference points T, given data points X and labels y.


  • y: n x 1 vector, representing class labels that correspond to data points in X.
  • X: n x p numerical matrix, labelled data points.
  • T: m x p numerical matrix, representing reference points without/needing class labels
  • k: scalar, indicating the number of nearest neighbors to be considered.
  • method: char, name-value, default: 'mode', method by which to determine the class label. Valid methods are 'mode', which takes the most common neighbor label 'min_class', which takes the least common, and 'percent', which takes the class with the closest percent occurrance.
  • percent: scalar, name-value, default: 75, if method is 'percent', label is assigned based on the class with the closest percent occurrance to this argument.


  • z_hat: m x 1 vector, estimated class labels for data points in T.


Processes config files, correcting errors. Then, fixes the hashes for saved data files associated with changed config files.

munge_hashes("file_string", "config*.yaml", "verbose", true)


  • file_string: string or character vector, name-value, default: "config*.yaml"
    A file pattern, optionally using globs that is passed to dir to search for configuration files to munge.

  • legacy_flag: logical scalar, name-value, default: false
    Whether to load config files in "legacy mode", e.g., with ReadYaml instead of yaml.loadFile.

  • verbose: logical scalar, name-value, default: true
    Whether to print informative text.

  • data_dir: string or character vector, name-value, default: "."
    Path to the directory where the data files to-be-munged are.

See Also


Soft threshold operator used in compressed sensing


Read a config file and perform any special parsing that is required.


  • config_file: character vector, default: [] Path to the config file to be used. If empty, opens a GUI to find the file using a file browser.
  • legacy: logical, name-value, default: false, flag to indicate use of legacy ReadYaml package.
  • verbose: logical, name-value, default: true, flag to show informational messages.


  • config: struct, the parsed config file.
  • config_file: char, the provided path or else the full path chosen from GUI.

See Also


Parses stimuli and responses into cells based on number of bins in the stimuli For use with UniformPriorRandNBinsStimulusGeneration stimuli


  • responses: n x 1 numerical array, response data, where n is the number of completed trials.
  • stimuli: m x n, the stimuli data, where m is the max number of bins


  • resp_cell: p x 1 cell, where p is the number of unique bins. Responses organized into arrays within the cell.
  • stim_cell: p x 1 cell, the corresponding stimuli to resp_cell in increasing bin order.


Plays a 1000 Hz tone at system volume with a sample rate of 44100 Hz. No arguments.


stringified_properties = prop2str(obj, [], '&&')

Converts the property names and values of a struct or object into a character vector. For example, a struct, s, with the properties, s.a = 1, s.b = 2, would become 'a=1-b=2'. If some of the property values are cell arrays, they should be character vectors or numerical vectors and of the same type within each cell array.


  • obj: 1 x 1 struct or object, the object with properties to be stringified

  • properties_to_skip: character vector or cell array Properties to not include in the output character vector.

  • property_separator: character vector What separator to use between parameter statements.


  • stringified_properties: character vector


Generate a sinusoidal pure tone stimuli


  • tone_freq: 1 x 1 positive scalar, the frequency to play
  • dur: 1 x 1 positive scalar, the duration of the sound in seconds, default: 0.5
  • Fs: 1 x 1 positive scalar, the sample rate of the sound in Hz, deafult: 44100


  • stim: 1 x n numerical vector, the sinusoidal waveform


Plots bar charts of r values from table data. A separate figure is made for each subject.


  • T: table that includes r values of interest


  • n figures, where n is the number of subjects included in the table.


Generates a random string of length len with numbers 0-9 and letters Aa-Zz


  • len: 1 x 1 positive integer, default: 8 the length of the string


  • str: 1 x len random character vector


Returns one octave of semitones from the initial frequency, includes both octave endpoints.


  • init_freq: 1 x 1 scalar, the initial frequency.
  • n: 1 x 1 positive integer, default: 12, the number of semitones above init_freq to to return.
  • direction: char, default: 'up', options: 'up', 'down'. direction in which to generate semitones from init_freq.


  • tones: n+1 x 1 numerical vector, n+1 semitones starting at init_freq.


binned_repr = spect2binnedrepr(T, B) binned_repr = spect2binnedrepr(T, B, n_bins)

Get the binned representation, which is a vector containing the amplitude of the spectrum in each frequency bin.


  • T: n_trials x n_frequencies matrix representing the stimulus spectra

  • B: 1 x n_frequencies vector representing the bin numbers (e.g., [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, ...])

  • n_bins: 1x1 scalar representing the number of bins if not passed as an argument, it is computed from the maximum of B


  • binned_repr: n_trials x n_bins matrix representing the amplitude for each frequency bin for each trial

See Also


Converts a string of properties and values into a struct or cell array. TODO: more documentation, use property_separator


  • prop_string: character vector String containing property : value pairs

  • properties_to_skip: character vector or cell array Properties to not incude in the output character vector

  • property_separator: character vector What separator to use between parameter statements.


  • obj: struct or cell array


obj = str2prop(prop_string, [], '&&')


Returns a response vector and the stimuli where the response vector is made of up -1 and 1 values corresponding to yes and no statements about how well the stimuli correspond to the representation.

[y, X] = subject_selection_process(representation, stimuli)
[y, X] = subject_selection_process(representation, stimuli, [], responses, 'mean_zero', true, 'from_responses', true)
[y, X] = subject_selection_process(representation, stimuli, 'method', 'sign', 'lambda', 0.5)
[y, X] = subject_selection_process(representation, stimuli, [], [], 'threshold', 90, 'verbose', false)
[y, X] = subject_selection_process(representation, [], n_samples)


  • representation: n x 1 numerical vector, the signal to compare against (e.g., the tinnitus signal).

  • stimuli: numerical matrix, an m x n matrix where m is the number of samples/trials and n is the same length as the representation. If stimuli is empty, a random Bernoulli matrix (p = 0.5) is used.

  • n_samples: integer scalar representing how many samples are used when generating the Bernoulli matrix default for stimuli, if the stimuli argument is empty.

  • responses: m x 1 numerical vector, which contains only -1 and 1 values, used to determine the threshold if using one of the custom options.

  • mean_zero: bool, name-value, default: false, representing a flag that centers the mean of the stimuli and representation.

  • method: character vector, name-value, default: percentile, the method to use to convert estimations into response values. Options are: percentile, which uses the whole estimation vector and threshold, sign which computes sign(e + lambda), and ten_scale, which returns values from 0-10 using.

  • from_responses: bool, name-value, default: false, a flag to determine the threshold from the given responses. The default results in 50% threshold. If using this option, responses must be passed as well.

  • threshold: Positive scalar, name-value, default: 50, representing the percent of -1 responses in y. If from_responses is true, this will be ignored.

  • lambda: Scalar >= 0, name-value, default: 0, value for use in sign(e + lambda) if method is sign.

  • verbose: bool, name-value, default: true, a flag to print information messages


  • y: numerical vector, A vector of -1 and 1 corresponding to negative and positive responses.

  • X: numerical matrix, the stimuli.


Spaces the values in a frequency vector into bins determined by the stimgen object.


  • tones: n x 1 vector of frequency values
  • stimgen: Any object that inherets from AbstractBinnedStimulusGenerationMethod, used to inform the spacing (min and max freqs, number of bins)


  • tones_bindist: n_bins x 1 vector in Hz which contains the values in tones placed into the appropriate bin (values are averaged if multiple fit into the same bin) and the bin center frequency in all bins for which there was no value in tones.


Updates data files that match an old hash to a new hash. Ordinarily this is not something that you want to do. However, there are some situations where the config spec changed or something was mislabeled and so the config hash does not match the hashes in the data file names. This function re-aligns the data to the config by updating the hashes.


  • new_hash: character vector
  • old_hash: character vector
  • data_dir: character vector pointing to the directory where the data files are stored.


  • None

See Also


Filters data table from pilot_reconstructions.m and generates a figure with a uitable for easy viewing.


  • T: table generated by pilot_reconstructions


  • 1 figure


Wait for a keypress, ignoring mouse clicks. Returns 1 when a key is pressed. Returns -1 when the function encounters an error which usually happens when the figure is deleted.


  • verbose: bool, default: true


  • k: 1 x 1 scalar, 1 when a key is pressed, -1 if an error occurs


Reads an audio file (e.g., a .wav file) and returns a spectrum in terms of magnitudes, s (in dB), and frequencies, f (in Hz).


  • audio_file: char, path to the audio file.
  • duration: 1x1 scalar, default: 0.5, the duration to crop the audio file to in seconds.


  • s: The spectrum in dB
  • f: The associated frequencies in Hz.


Generate a white noise waveform of specified length


  • dur: 1 x 1 positive scalar, the duration of the waveform in seconds.
  • Fs: 1 x 1 positive scalar, default: 44100 The sampling rate in Hz.


  • wav: n x 1 numerical vector, where n is dur*Fs, the white noise waveform.


Passive algorithm for 1-bit compressed sensing with no basis.


  • Zhang, L., Yi, J. and Jin, R., 2014, June. Efficient algorithms for robust one-bit compressive sensing. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 820-828). PMLR.